Sunday, 15 April 2012

ggplot2 Time Series Heatmaps

How do you easily get beautiful calendar heatmaps of time series in ggplot2? E.g:
From MarginTale
I was impressed by the lattice-based  implementation from Paul Bleicher of Humedica, which you can find referenced in Then, when other blogs like picked up the topic, I decided to try a ggplot2 implementation. In a comment to the above Revolution Analytics post, Hadley already presented a quick ggplot rendition, upon which I build here.

How do you attack the problem? Looking at the example output above:
  1. We facet_grid by "months" and "years" 
  2. The data itself is plotted by "week of month" and "day of week" and coloured according to the value of interest
So, given a time series we just have to fiddle with time indexes to create a data.frame containing the time series as well as per observation the corresponding "month", "year", "week of month", "day of week". The rest is then a one-liner of code with Hadley's wonderful ggplot2 system.

The following code contains step by step comments:

# Download some Data, e.g. the CBOE VIX
# Make a dataframe
# We will facet by year ~ month, and each subgraph will
# show week-of-month versus weekday
# the year is simple
# the month too
# but turn months into ordered facors to control the appearance/ordering in the presentation
# the day of week is again easily found
dat$weekday = as.POSIXlt(dat$date)$wday
# again turn into factors to control appearance/abbreviation and ordering
# I use the reverse function rev here to order the week top down in the graph
# you can cut it out to reverse week order
# the monthweek part is a bit trickier
# first a factor which cuts the data into month chunks
# then find the "week of year" for each day
dat$week <- as.numeric(format(dat$date,"%W"))
# and now for each monthblock we normalize the week to start at 1
# Now for the plot
P<- ggplot(dat, aes(monthweek, weekdayf, fill = VIX.Close)) +
geom_tile(colour = "white") + facet_grid(year~monthf) + scale_fill_gradient(low="red", high="yellow") +
opts(title = "Time-Series Calendar Heatmap") + xlab("Week of Month") + ylab("")

It should be easy to wrap into a function and I hope its useful.